Dive into the world of hydrofoiling with our tailored Hydrofoil Kitesurf Lessons. Whether you're curious to try it out or ready to commit to mastering it, you can choose from 2, 4, or 6-hour sessions. While you can start with shorter lessons, with our 6-hour Hydrofoil Kitesurf Lessons, designed to take your kitesurfing skills to a whole new level. Spread over 3 x 2-hour sessions, this course will guide you through everything you need to master the art of hydrofoiling—from basic board management to controlled gliding. Perfect for experienced kitesurfers looking to push their limits. No worries if you want more practice—we can always add additional hours to fine-tune your skills.
What's Included:
Which Duration to Choose?
We recommend these lessons for riders with at least 6 months of kitesurfing experience. If you're comfortable riding upwind, making transitions, and even attempting a few jumps, you're ready to take on hydrofoiling. Expect a few crashes along the way, but it’s all part of the learning process—and the fun!
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